Everything that is configurable in Renewed Weed!
Plant Config
return {
-- plant config --
maxWeight = 5, -- How much can a perfectly healthy plant weight?
GrowthTime = 300, -- How many minutes it takes for a plant to grow
Distance = 400, -- What's the distance in GTA units before the weed get spawned / despawned
canClimb = false, -- Can the player climb on top of the weed plant(s)?
-- Plant Update Config --
updateInterval = 10, -- How many minutes inbetween plant state updates (water, hunger, deletion etc.)
plantInterval = 30, -- How many seconds in between plants being updated? the lower the more heavy it's on the server the longer the more delay there is (30 - 60 seconds seem to be the sweatspot)
damageLimit = 5, -- The threshold of water + fertilizer a plant can have before it starts taking damage
thirstInterval = { min = 3, max = 10 }, -- The amount of thirst a plants loose every update interval
hungerInterval = { min = 3, max = 10 }, -- The amount of hunger a plants loose every update interval
healthInterval = { min = 10, max = 40 }, -- The amount of health a plants loose every update interval
-- Male Plant Config --
maxFemale = 10, -- maximum amount of female seeds IF plant is male and is at 100% health
maxMale = 5, -- maximum amount of male seeds IF plant is male and is at 100% health
-- Watering can Config --
waterToDurability = 10, -- How much durability does the watering can get per water bottle
maxWaterDurability = 10, -- From 0 to full water on a plant how much durability minus? ( 10 = 0-100% water only removes 10 durability from the watering can)
canWeight = 5, -- How much can a watering can weight when it's full of water
-- Brick Config --
driedWeight = 50, -- How much does 1 dried weed weight? if you change it inside your inventory change it here for the weed bricks
minWeed = 5, -- How much dried weed minimum can you use to make a brick?
maxWeed = 50, -- How much dried weed maximum can you use to make a brick?
-- Misc stuff --
circleProgress = true, -- Use circle progress bar instead of the default one
clearPlantingAnim = true, -- Clear the planting animation IMMEDIATELY after planting a plant
-- Here are ALL the item names for all the items used for weed growing, change them incase your server uses different names and such.
Items = {
water = 'water',
driedweed = 'driedweed',
wateringcan = 'wateringcan',
fertilizer = 'fertilizer',
emptybag = 'emptybag',
fullbag = 'fullbag',
weedbrick = 'weedbrick',
scale = 'scale',
wetweed = "wetweed"
-- Placement Config --
allowedMaterials = {
[-1286696947] = true,
[-1942898710] = true,
[-1595148316] = true,
[-1885547121] = true,
[-2041329971] = true,
[-840216541] = true,
[-461750719] = true,
[-700658213] = true,
[-913351839] = true,
[1109728704] = true,
[1635937914] = true,
[1333033863] = true,
[1144315879] = true,
[2128369009] = true,
[951832588] = true,
[581794674] = true,
[510490462] = true,
objectOffsets = {
prop = `bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01b`,
offset = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -0.5)
prop = `bkr_prop_weed_med_01a`,
offset = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -2.5)
prop = `bkr_prop_weed_med_01b`,
offset = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -2.5)
prop = `bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01a`,
offset = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -2.5)
prop = `bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b`,
offset = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -2.5)
Strain Config
return {
qualityMin = 0, -- How much minimum can your strain quality improve when fertilizing plants?
qualityMax = 3, -- How much maximum can your strain quality improve when fertilizing plants?
-- Big thanks to mannyonbrazzers for providing the list of strain names!
StrainX1 = {
'Afghani Wonder',
'Endless Sky',
StrainX2 = {
'Egg shell',
StrainX3 = {
Weed Runs
return {
pedModel = `mp_m_weed_01`,
pedCoords = vec4(94.791, -1809.941, 26.083, 229.595),
pricePerGram = 100, -- How much money does the player get per 100 weight of weed, THIS SCALES BASED OFF OF THE QUALITY OF THE WEED
pdAlert = '', -- Pre configured for Project Sloth dispatch, you can add your own in the client/utils.lua file
alertChance = 10, -- The chance of the police being alerted when the player is caught
-- Deliver Blip Options
blipSettings = {
sprite = 140,
color = 3,
scale = 0.8,
-- List of random peds that can spawn as "customers"
peds = {
-- List of random scenarios the peds will have for weed runs
scenarios = {
-- A list of all possible locations for the drop offs --
locations = {
vec4(581.162, 138.475, 99.475, 154.009),
vec4(299.634, 363.577, 105.417, 1.405),
vec4(799.148, -496.435, 30.627, 114.611),
vec4(603.909, -3099.572, 6.069, 235.896),
vec4(-659.568, -2450.371, 13.944, 234.741),
vec4(-943.412, -1569.117, 5.178, 219.704),
vec4(-1317.888, -939.221, 9.731, 304.581),
vec4(-1437.909, -372.425, 38.306, 128.263),
vec4(-1985.753, -314.807, 48.106, 62.196),
vec4(-2312.726, 266.787, 169.602, 23.482),
vec4(-3054.898, 174.086, 11.608, 221.611),
vec4(-172.377, 6119.515, 31.399, 229.023),
vec4(1726.561, 4775.276, 41.934, 254.962),
vec4(2405.898, 4025.695, 36.044, 66.019),
vec4(837.103, 504.867, 125.919, 158.605),
vec4(-681.298, -171.396, 37.821, 303.818)
Last updated