
Import the Library into your resource like this

local Renewed = exports['Renewed-Lib']:getLib()

Checking a players job

local success = Renewed.hasGroup(source, group, grade)

print(success) -- Returns true / false if the player does not have the group

Get Character ID

local CharId =  Renewed.getCharId(source)

print(CharId) -- Returns the name or false if the player is not loaded in the server

Get Character Name

local name = Renewed.getCharName(source)

print(name) -- Returns the name or false if the player is not loaded in the server

Remove Player Money

local success = Renewed.removeMoney(source, amount, moneyType, reason)

-- True/False weather or not the player had enough money and it was removed

Add Player Money

local success = Renewed.addMoney(source, amount, moneyType, reason)

print(success) -- True/False if the money was added

Add Player Needs

local success = Renewed.addNeeds(source, needs) -- Needs = {hunger = 0, thrist = 0}

print(success) -- prints true/false depending if the needs were added

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