Ingredient shop
How to add / remove items from the built in Ingredient Shops
How to create a new Ingredient Shop
Head over to Renewed-Businesses/Config.lua
Find Config.IngredientShops
Here you can add a new shop like this.
How to add items to a ingredient shop
Head over to ox_inventory/data/items.lua
Here you can find a random item like this
Now we can add shopType = 'example' to add it add it to the example shop, and price = 10, to make it cost $10
Removing items from ingredient shops
Head over to ox_inventory/data/items.lua
find an item that has shopType = 'example' and price = 10 or anything like this
Now remove the shopType and price so it looks like this
and that is it you have now removed 'radio' from shop 'example'
Last updated