🌀Twitter Exports

Here you can find exports related to twitter for the phone.


This export can be used for scripts to add announcements into twitter.

Use cases here would be a weather station, or scripts announcing special events?

-- stock export --

- TweetData (table): A table containing the following information for the new tweet:
  - citizenid (string): The Citizen ID or identifier of the tweet author.
  - firstName (string): The first name of the tweet author.
  - lastName (string): The last name of the tweet author.
  - message (string): The content of the tweet message.
  - url (string): A URL associated with the tweet (optional).
  - picture (string): The picture associated with the tweet. Use "default" for the default Twitter profile picture (optional).

-- USAGE --

local TweetData = {
    citizenid = "Fisherman32"
    firstName = "Fisherman",
    lastName = "Paul",
    message = "I like to eat fish every whensday",
    url = "",
    picture = "default",


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